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Body Image

"Ama tu cuerpo porque es el lugar donde vas a vivir toda tu vida". Jim Rohn

During the development of this web page, we came to the conclusion that a space focused on the care of us, women, would not be complete without a section that addressed a very pertinent subject: Body Image.



Body Image refers to the thoughts, feelings, attitudes and judgments we have about our physical appearance, and about what we imagine others think about our appearance.


It is not necessarily a realistic and objective perception, it is rather the image that we introject about ourselves, with distortions and everything else.


It is influenced by our emotions and moods. So you can change from one moment to another.


Most people have some degree of distortion of our body image. For example, we can overestimate how stained our skin is, how big our nose is, or how "limp" our muscles look.


Concerns about our body image affect all people differently.


The fact that a person is considered attractive does not guarantee that they have a healthy body image.







Woman Mirror.jpeg



A person with a healthy body image maintains a flexible attitude and a realistic perspective regarding the normal variations of his/her body. Being flexible and realistic means that we take into account that we swell during the premenstrual stage, it also means that when we get pregnant we gain weight and we tolerate living in a body "a little bigger" for a period of time. It also means accepting that as we get older we get wrinkles, lose muscle tone, and generally gain weight.


A healthy body image does not mean that we have to like every part of our body. It means, that we can live in peace with and within our own body.


It means that we are more than the sum of each part of our body.


It means that our physical appearance is NOT the only measure of our happiness or our value as human beings.

Ask yourself......

How respectful and compassionate are you with your body?

Is your physical appearance the only way you want to measure your achievements in this world?

Think about how the image you have of your body has changed over time and why.


It is necessary that we confront the cultural messages to which we are exposed day by day, and that contribute to our insatisfaction with ourselves.


You have observed how models and actresses always have "perfect" skin, hair, and figures? no cellulite, stretch marks, wrinkles. Surprise! Photoshop. What does this makes you think?



It is important that we adopt a critical attitude and that we question the messages we receive from the advertising media.



Genetics is largely responsible for the type of body we have. We cannot change our genes, no matter how many diets or exercise we do. 



We may not love all our body parts. However, it is our body that allows us to travel, make love, have children, dance, have fun, go on vacation, and cooperate with us in millions of different ways. 


  • Maintain a balanced and healthy diet. At the time of eating, pay close attention to the sensations of hunger and satiety of your body.

  • Exercise. Find a physical activity that you enjoy, which helps you keep your body and heart in shape.

  • Be aware of your internal dialogue "what you say to yourself" and try to be more compassionate.

  • Look at yourself in the mirror with compassion and think of all the ways that your body allows you to enjoy the day.


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